
Kano Digital Summer Institute (KDSI) 23rd-28th July, 2018

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By Maryam Ado Haruna.

As part of CITAD strategy to empower women and close the huge gender gap in the digital sphere that exists especially in the northern Nigeria, Center for Information Technology and Development (CITAD), in partnership with United States Institute for Advanced Studies, John Hopkins University, and Everett, organized a 6-day digital training for young women in Kano state titled “2nd Kano Digital Summer Institute 2018 (KDSI).”

The Digital Summer Institute was first established in the year 2017 with two workshops in Abuja and Kano respectively.

On the first day of the training during the opening ceremony, the coordinator of the institute, Dr. Aminu Aliyu Muhammad explained that just like the previous 2017 1st Institute, the 2018 Digital Summer Institute also has two workshops in the FCT for young women in Abuja and Kano.

He added that women in the northern Nigeria are faced with numerous challenges. The poverty indices has also proved women to be the poorest and most dependent. This disadvantage has prevailed to the digital spheres. Thus, part of the main objectives of the training is to empower women with digital skills to enable them become self-reliant.

Hajiya Sa’a Ibrahim, Managing Director, Abubakar Rimi Television Kano, who chaired the ceremony, expressed that it is a beautiful chance for the selected beneficiaries to utilize in order to explore business opportunities available for them. She urged them to consider the sacrifice made by the three facilitators who travelled all the way from California, USA, to train them with the digital skills. And therefore, they need to give their best to the training.

The KDSI went on for six days from Monday 23rd to 28th Saturday July, 2018 with 21 participants, including one person with special needs. Part of the skills and tools that were taught during the institute include:

  1. Monday 23rd July: Google Apps and their various functions. These include:
  • Google Scholar,
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Drive
  • Google Photos
  • Google docs
  • Chrome


  1. Tuesday 24th July: Photography and its Uses
  • Concepts of creativity
  • Learning the technique
  • Rule of thoughts
  • Photo etiquette check list
  • Post shoot process
  • Photo distribution
  • Print sharing


  1. Wednesday 25th July: Graphic Design and its Uses
  • Culture of graphic design
  • What to ask b4 graphic design
  • Infographics
  • Elements and principles of design
  • Typography basics
  • Canva App
  • Creating flyer, IV, business cards etc using Canva


  1. Thursday 26th July: Filming and Uses
  • Video Production
  • Importance of film
  • Storyboarding
  • Uses of storyboards
  • Directing and cinematography
  • Sound and lighting


  1. Friday 27th July: Social Media Marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Used d app logo pit plus
  • Made logos
  • Rules b4 posting
  • Benefits of social media for biz
  • How u use social media to make money
  • Privacy
  • Email marketing


  1. Saturday 28th July: Video Editing 
  • Video editing
  • Video importing
  • Video exporting
  • Editing
  • Cropping and placement
  • Transition
  • Audio
  • Filters
  • Video editing apps
  • FilmoraGo App
  • Quick
  • Adobe premiere clip

During the closing ceremony of the KDSI on Saturday 28th July, 2018, prof. Paul Lubeck (Malam Ibrahim) from the USAIS John Hopkins University, who chaired the ceremony presented certificates to the 21 beneficiaries of the KDSI including the person with special needs.

The Executive Director of the organisation, Malam Yunusa Ya’u, explained that CITAD would feel honoured and repaid if the women utilize the skills they have acquired and venture into different businesses; online or offline they found suitable. CITAD also expects the women to become self –reliant in the nearest future and also provide job opportunities to others. He urged them to step-down the skills they have learnt to other women as CITAD would not have the resources to train all women in Kano state. He later commended a participant, Elisha Shallom who travelled all the way from Bauchi state to acquire the skills.

The team of the U.S co-facilitators comprising of Ruby, Tamara and Ayde, advised the young women to keep practicing the skills that they have learnt and make effort to explore countless opportunities available in the skills they have learnt. They explained that their motivation was the passion to make effort to close the existing gender gap in both physical and digital world.

A participant explained that the KDSI did not only provided her with digital skills, it has also improved her skills in public speaking. Another participant added that she had now gain confidence and courage in herself and feels capable of excelling in her endeavour. One of the participants who also expressed her gratitude for the training explained that she had cancelled a contract of Logo and flyers she had given earlier for her brand because she could now do it with the skills she had acquired from the KDSI. At the end of the ceremony, a participant who gave a vote of thanks on behalf of all beneficiaries, appreciated CITAD and other  partners, Everett and USAIS John Hopkins University and the co-facilitators, for their invaluable efforts of providing them with the digital skills.