Sagiru Ado Abubakar
The Inspiring Leadership Reflection Interactive Series (ILERIS) of the Center for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) has on Saturday 18th May, 2019 hosted Prof. Muhammad Tabi’u, Department of Islamic Law, Bayero University, Kano as Guest Speaker of the month. Professor Muhammad Tabi’u, SAN is a Professor of Law at Bayero University, Kano, and has extensive expertise and experience in the fields of law and development. He has also provides high level consultancy services to DFID and EU for the management of its justice reform programme in Nigeria (from Access to Justice [A2J] to Security Justice & Growth [SJG], Justice for All [J4A]) and Managing Conflict in Northeastern Nigeria (MCN). In his opening remarks, the Executive Director, Center for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) Engr. Yunusa Zakari Ya’u welcomed and thanked the Guest Speaker for honoring the invitation in the holy month of Ramadan saying that we are banned in the holy month for drinking and taking food items but not ban from taking knowledge. He then said that ILERIS is youth development program initiated over the last 3 years and serve as an avenue to provide youth with skills, ideas and inspiration. It requires bringing people who are successful in life to interact with staff, interns and associates of the organization with intention to learn from their own life style.
In his presentation, Prof Tabi’u said that he was born in Gumel over 60 years ago and recalled that they started their primary education under shade tree almost a year, then later classroom was constructed with cornstalks. For Prof. Tabi’u, going to primary school was not negotiable as first male child in the family and his father was then responsible for taking children to school. This led to his father to set an example from his own child at early years. He was one of the smallest children in the school but inspired a lot of people in term of performance. He was a monitor since in primary school and appointed secretary of the Young Farmers Club, the position he held due to his ability to write and read English Text Books. He was appointed Science Prefect in secondary school, the position invented purposely for him and served among senior colleagues. Prof. Tabi’u said that he doesn’t like to be a leader, but pushed and forced to be appointed.
Prof. Tabi’u encouraged the participants to be truthful. He empathized that in every leadership positions he held he tries to inspire trust. According to him, you must adopt and inspire people to know that every position of leadership you hold is for the people not thinking that the credit is for you alone. He added that leadership is one word with different understanding. From political background it seems a chance for accumulating more wealth and by any means.
Prof. Muhammad Tabi’u highlighted some of the challenges he faced when he was Antony General and when he held the position of Executive Secretary, National Human Right Commission under a military leader. With mindset people like him they took the law that setup the commission and drew the attention of the government concerning human right violation in the country. With this effort, during the administration of General Abdussalam Abubakar they were able to liberate in a period of month over 10,000 people in detention across the country especially political prisoners.
Lastly, Prof. Tabi’u charged the participants on teamwork, admitting that all his achievements in life came under teamwork. In his closing remarks, the Executive Director thanked the guest speaker and said that he has two things to take back home from the presentation. One, you never get tire with engagements. Without engagement you will not make progress. Secondly, result doesn’t actually come in a day, it takes some many years.