Report on Orientation of Second Phase of Digital Livelihood Program for Young Women and Girls Held at Mambayya House, Gwammaja, Kano on Wednesday 6th December, 2018 with Support from US Embassy Abuja through Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD)
The program was hosted by Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) with 35 participants from different communities within and outside Kano state.
Opening Statements
The meeting was opened by Malam Ahmad Abdullahi Yakasai on behalf of the Executive Director of CITAD. In his statements, he noted the importance of the program, orientating the applicants on the project’s expectations while congratulating them as successful applicants. He emphasized that the issue of women’s participation in ICT and entrepreneurships aspect in Kano continued to be of serious concern. However, due recognition needed to be given to the progress that has been made on the new project, where 40 successful applicants out of 6,205 applicants is a leading example that the women need to tighten up their mind and be self-sustainable.
Being a project from U.S Embassy doesn’t mean we empower women and girls by giving the money, we only empower them with skills and mentorship on how to promote your businesses online and so on. In emphasis to women participation, this give a clear impression that there is need of participation of young women and girls and people with disabilities in our localities to have a democratic society free of hunger which is achievable through projects like this. Said Ahmad
He finally urged that the applicants should be punctual, avoid irregularities or inconsistency in attending the training, avoid inclusion of uninvited applicants and must have a sound character and be focused and pointed out that women’s movements should also be seen as having a representational role to play; both in terms of substantive and descriptive representation.
Malam Ibrahim, the Program Officer, thanked the U.S Embassy for collaboration with CITAD to support the training. In his statement, after presenting the concept of the project, the courses to be offered which are more advanced compared to the first phase of livelihood program, the duration, he identified major achievements and challenges in promoting women’s equal participation in processes at all levels. He finally explained three (3) major project expectations at end of the training in context of the project, the participants should have the knowledge on all skills acquired and can be able to impact it on other women and girls in the society at any time and any moment.
- Should have a full knowledge on ICT and entrepreneurship skills
- Should register their business names with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and other concerned regulatory agencies related to their businesses to have a legal back up and;
- The participants should be participating in e-mentoring and be meeting from time to time for mentoring to discuss on how to expand their business, and search for other job opportunities.
Malam Kamal Umar, the Technical Officer, presented on some factors that hinders northern women in acquiring skills based on experience are bigotry, extreme poverty, lack of education, lack of parent’s and husband support’s due to culture and tradition that exposed them to gender discrimination and the necessity of the mechanisms is for promoting women in entrepreneurship skills even in their homes. The Digital Livelihood Training will be an effective agent. He also mentioned some mechanisms for increasing women’s participation in ICTs and entrepreneurships acquisition;
- Mindset and zeal: When we change our negative thinking to positive, it increases attention and social movements.
- Timing is an important consideration, is a sign of gaining momentum
- Training and skill development: Training and mentoring will increase efficiency and ensure sustainability.
The training arrangements was briefed by the Training Officer on how it is commencing and the rules behind the training to avoid enacting measures that will affect single or majoritarian beneficiaries.
Project finance officer explained on how to go along with the logistics in order to adopt clear and transparent rules to ensure effective training by paying them transport fare weekly.
A session for question and answers was provided, the beneficiaries contributed in encouraging themselves to increase the era of enterprise.
- Some of the issues that occurred during the meeting were absence of invited concerned guest and government officials, which also leads to late commencement and provision of opportunity for the applicants from government actors, only representative from ministry of education attended but left before commencement.
- Use ICT training as a tool in education and training efforts, in particular to overcome the digital divide between men and women in the use of new technologies and to provide women with equal access to information.
- The beneficiaries should ensure that they have equal opportunities during training, such as providing access to the ICT facilities, spending weekly transport fare wisely, our intention of running businesses are disclosed and shared among ourselves.
- We should have clear rules that can allow us make a meaningful inputs during the training.
The session closed, refreshments served and transport fare paid at 2:47pm.