
Learning and Instruction Materials Exhibitions: Invitation for Participation

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The Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) in partnership with the Modibbo Adamawa University of Technology, Yola is, as part of the first North East Books and Education Conference and Exhibition (NEBECE), organizing a three-day the Northeast Books and ICT Exhibition. The objectives of the exhibition are:

  1. Promote book and learning instruction trade and publishing in the region as part of the effort to revive education
  2. Bring markets and users of ICT tools together
  3. Raise awareness on reviving reading culture which is critical to education progress
  4. Stimulate the culture of publishing in the region

Participants at the both the exhibition and conference include:

  1. Presidential Committee on North East Initiative (PCNI)
  2. All ministries of Education of the states of the North east
  3. Donor organizations and international development partners
  4. SUBEB from all the six states of the North East
  5. Universities in the North East region
  6. Libraries
  7. State and national legislators
  8. Books Publishers across the country
  9. Major bookshops and booksellers
  • ICT equipment manufacturers and markets
  • ICT Solution Providers
  • Civil society organizations
  • Community Organizations
  • Professional Associations
  • Students
  • Media organizations

Exhibition Dates: 20-22, November, 2019

Exhibition Site: Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State

Exhibition Stand Fee: Twenty Thousand Naira (N20, 000.00) per stand


All interested publishers, ICT companies, books distributors, booksellers, bookshops, libraries, books collectors, etc are invited to register at online at www.nebece.ng . For more information, contact the Secretary, Exhibition Committee, either phone (08064867312) or by email (nebece@citad.org).

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