IT been observed that Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a harmful act being inflicted at individuals based on their gender and most be discourage at all levels.
The observation was made by the CITAD Project Programme Officer in Kano state Hajiya Zainab Aminu during a Press Conference on GBV organised by the NGO yesterday at the CITAD Office in Kano.
She said GBV is a serious violation of human rights and a life-threatening health and protection issue.
“As part of its continuing effort to curb GBV in the society and to promote the wellbeing of Women and Girl Child, including creating a safe and secure educational environment, the Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) with support from Ford Foundation has been implementing a project titled
“Strengthening Citizens Response and Protection Against Gender Based Violence in Kano, Nigeria” whose aim is to achieve a safe society for women and girls, free from gender violence and discrimination to bridge gender gap in girl child education.
This involves stakeholders’ engagement, advocacy, tracking and monitoring of GBV incidences in order to make informed statements. It is for this reason that the organization has instituted a Monthly Press Conference to share information and data relating to GBV in Kano State. “
According to the Programme Manager objective of doing this is to create public visibility of this menace and sensitize all stakeholders to take action in addressing it.
Our efforts In tracking incidences of GBV in the state, CITAD has implemented a Multi-approach Mechanism including the use of electronic platforms (CITAD GBV App) for people to reports incidences in privacy the use of monitors in tertiary institutions in the state as well as embedded monitors within communities
Sensitization activities and awareness creation by trained champions within the communities. Collaboration with Shamrock on sharing of data from Helpio App for reporting GBV collaborating with personalities that will serve as mentors. “
She said sGBV is been perpetrated against both male and female gender with a higher number of female victims within all age ranges in both rural, urban and suburban communities with prevalence in Urban Communities.
The cases highly reported is Sexual Harassment. The perpetrators are mostly male. It was also observed that the perpetrators of rape have no relation to the victims while for other types of GBV reported, the perpetrators are either family members, teachers/lecturers, student peers or even those that have no relation to the victims.
In comparison with the data obtained in September, there was a drop in the reported cases from 61 in September to 22 in October. The total percentage of decline in the reported cases is 64%.Rape cases reported is 10 in September and 6 in October with 40% decline. “
nline harassment was 12 in September but in October, only 3 cases were reported with 75% decline.In September, we had 4 cases of sexual blackmail while only one case was reported in October with 75% decline.
In the case of Sexual Harassment, 18 cases were reported in September while in October, 8 cases were reported with 56% decline For sexual abuse, we had 14 cases in September and 4 cases in October with 71% decline.Other cases like wife battering and social media GBV have no reported cases in October.
Although there is a visible decline in reported cases of all forms of GBV, we still observe perpetration of GBV within the state. Furthermore, Sexual Harassment still remains the case with highest number of perpetrations.”
This shows that there is still need for actions to be taken in term of Gender Based Violence in the state in order to eliminate/curb GBV.Recommendations:
“We recommend that the previous call to the Kano State Government and House of Assembly to domesticate the Child Rights Act and VAPP Act at the state level if implemented, will contribute in curbing this menace.Also, Religious leaders should continuously intensify efforts in creating awareness against GBV in the state.
Furthermore, Traditional leaders both at state and local levels to work with different authorities in curtailing the menace of GBV in the state. “
We also call on Institutions of higher learning in the state to all develop and implement gender policy and create appropriate mechanisms for victims and others to reports such incidences to the authorities.
The state government should not only adopt laws to protect women and girls, but also establish Referral Centers and Forensic Centers for victims.Government and Non-Governmental organizations should intensify activities to promote awareness and advocacy on violence against women.
Media houses should also continue to use their platforms in creating awareness against GBV and be reporting punishments done to perpetrators of GBV instead of focusing on the victims of GBV cases.