Capacity Building, JOPIS

CITAD in Collaboration with Jobberman Trained 200 Women in Kano on Professional CV Writing in Commemoration of the International Women’s Day – By Fatima Babakura

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In an effort to celebrate the International Women’s Day, Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) in Collaboration with the Jobberman Nigeria organised “Employability Training for 200 Women in Northern Nigeria.” The essence of the training was to empower 200 women in the northern part of Nigeria and to help participants become job-ready through intensive pre-employment training they needed to thrive in any workplace.  The one-day school which held on 11th March 2020 at Grand Central Hotel, Kano offered intensive training on various topics regarding employability.

In her introduction, the Program Implementation Officer of Jobberman, Precious Imuwahen Ajoonu said the platform intends to reach out to 5 million young people particularly job seekers so as to train them on Employability Skills and match them with dignified jobs in the next five years. She said, the choice to train women in kano and by extension the North is connected to the fact that people in the region are under-served.She added that women are the backbone of every society and therefore needs to be given more chances to occupy prominent positions in the boardrooms so as to bring on board, special skills in their areas of specialization for the growth of the workforce. Ajoonu further stated the training will continue in other selected in the region so as to equip more women with virtually everything needed to acquire their desired jobs.

In her welcoming address, the Programme Officer Gender and Internet Advocacy, Maryam Ado Haruna explained that stated that the Centre has empowered women in the past on various skills and acquisition programs in a bid to cover up the huge gab between the men and women in the northern part of the country when it comes to earning a living.

She added that the collaboration is hoped to make more impacts as the both CITAD and Jobberman share similar objectives which would enable them reach out to more women in the society and empower them with needed skills to survive in any field of work they find themselves.

Furthermore, Maryam stated that writing of CV itself is a business one can build a career on and that with such a training, one can begin to write CVs for people to earn a living.

The sessions covered during the training included:

  1. Youth Engagement Overview
  2. CV writing
  3. Cover letter
  4. Job interview
  5. How to identify scams
  6. Jobberman signup

Many participants expressed their appreciation and satisfaction with the training. They expressed that the training has really given them insights on professional CV writing, cover letters and preparations interviews as well as how they can easily identify scam adverts to prevent themselves from falling prey to online fraud. The added that the skills they have learnt are especially important to them because these are skills that are not taught in schools.

In the closing remarks, the CITAD Programme Coordinator, Malam Isah Garba thanked Jobberman for the training the women and partnering with CITAD. He sensitized and urged all the participants to share what they’ve learned with others who did not attend the training and tell them more about the website. He further stated that this is the beginning of a milestone and we hope in solving our goal together.

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