Capacity Building, Report of Activities

CITAD Trains Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) on Information Communication Technology (ICT) Skills Organized by CITAD, at AMAC Secretariat FCT, Abuja on the 19th of November 2019

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Centre for Information, Technology and Development (CITAD) trains AMAC staff on Information Communication Technology (ICT) skills. The purpose of the training is to enhance the ICT Skills of AMAC staff to perform their duties effectively and efficiently and serve Abuja citizens professionally. CITAD undertook the training as part of its civic responsibility and building relationships with governmental institutions.  The opening ceremony of the training took place at the AMAC ICT Centre with a welcome remark by the council’s secretary, Ms Rahmat Abisola Abdullahi. She welcomed and appreciates CITAD for organizing a capacity building workshop on ICT for AMAC Staff. She also emphasized on the importance of ICT in today’s society, she states that the capacity building workshop is timely and beneficial to the council.

CITAD Executive Director, Malam YZ on his part anchored his welcome note on the importance of the ICT training. He said beyond the capacity building organised by CITAD, it is an opportunity for AMAC and CITAD to build a strong partnership. He advise that the training is not for only ICT staff but AMAC should also engage other departmental staff to be part of the training. He however advice the beneficiaries of the training to extend the knowledge acquired at the course of the training to the larger society. Finally, he thanked AMAC for given them the opportunity to partner together and he is looking forward to more synergy between AMAC and CITAD.

The representative of ACTIONAID Nigeria, Joseph Augustine on his part also emphasise on the importance of ICT ,saying the world is becoming a global village, he advised the beneficiaries of the training to put more effort in other to  achieved something after the training.

Some of the participants also appreciate CITAD for bringing the training to their domain and they promise to utilise the skills learnt. The participants were trained on MsWord, Ms Excel, Use of internet, Use of social media, Powerpoint and so on.

The Special Adviser to AMAC Chairman on ICT and Donors Agencies Ms Abiodun Essient gave a closing remark. She appreciates CITAD for organizing the program and the facilitators for their time and she urged the beneficiaries to redouble their effort to ensure they achieve their aim at the end of the training. She look forward to more future partnership with CITAD.

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