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CITAD Launches CIGIYA Android Application

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The centre for information technology and development CITAD has launched Cigiya android application that will easily track lost items using Android phones application in Kano.

Addressing Newsmen the technical officer centre for information technology and development CITAD, Engineer Kamalu Umar CITAD is working towards using ICT for the development of the community in the state and the nation as a whole.

According to Kamalu Umar the new CIGIYA mobile application is available on google play store.

He said the application, which is the first of its kind is a lost and found application that will facilitate the searching of lost items by people and help transport associations, media houses and other relevant organization to generate a database of lost item.

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Engineer Umar said this will enable individuals to use the application to search for possible found items and the location they were submitted.

He pointed out that one of the reasons for launching the application is that most of the transports association having parks have a number of unclaimed lost items as a result of uncertainty of where the items are submitted.

According to the technical officer most of the announcement being made in the media houses does not reach some people who lost their items as the announcement may happened when they are not on the tune and it is normally within short days.

Therefore the new CIGIYA application is a permanent database of lost items will be available online and people can search it any time by item type, date range or car park or stations.

The data base will simply be generated by the representative of agreed park, media house or unions.

The application will contain name of the item, unique ID, date it was lost, park or location where it was submitted and picture (actual picture may be replaced by sample picture or just the name in case of items with bare identification).

It also contains the contact number of the park for further information. ”said Kamalu Umar

Engineer Kamalu Umar further told newsmen that CITAD has already consulted some transport unions which include Tricycle Operators Association of Kano State (TOAKAN) and Tsaya da Kafarka Taxi Association, Kano.

It also has plans to collaborate with the media houses, security outfits and other relevant stakeholders and The application is designed to have simple interface both for data entry and item searching.

The centre for information technology added that the CIGIYA App. will be very effective solution for facilitating and enhancing searching for lost items as well as reducing the occupied space by the lost items in the transport parks, unions offices and media houses.

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