48TH Twitter Chat with Abdulazeez Musa on Covid19 Sensitization Campaigns at Community Level

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24TH September, 2020.

Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD), held its 48th Twitter chat on the 24th of September, 2020. The guest was Abdulazeez Musa Co-founder and programs Manager of WeCan Africa. He discussed on Covid19 sensitization campaigns at community level.

He started by answering the question on what sensitizing people at the grassroots is and how it is being done? Where he said sensitization means making people know about something and as it relates to Covid19, it means creating awareness about issues related to Covid19. He was further asked that as a young person who is passionate about development work and also working on sensitizing people on Covid19 in the community, how you are carrying your activities. He said he made a need assessment in his community and he discovered that the pandemic has had a huge effect on young people and women too because of their vulnerability. So he decided to train them on taking responsibility themselves through sensitizing and teaching them.

When asked on What tools he used during this training and how did he ensure Covid19 protocols are followed throughout the training and does he think community people despite some of them not believing in the existence of the virus are giving him maximum cooperation and to briefly give the effort that has been put in place to fight corona virus in the community level? He said, they trained 30 youth and 30 women and adolescent girls. For the youth, they held the training through the zoom platform to ensure adherence to #Covid19 safety protocols. For the women, they held a physical meeting but putting in place all the required measures Such as use of face mask, washing base, social distancing etc. And also provided them with what will make them develop interest in them and the message they have for them. So they didn’t only sensitize them, they also taught them entrepreneurship skills that will make them live good while also adhering to the safety protocols to stay safe. For all the women and youth trained, they will be certifying them soon with certificates and also have a one day physical training with them on how they can replicate all they were taught and teaching them entrepreneurship skill so that they can live good while staying and also, to mitigate their susceptibility to negative impact of the virus. The 30 women and adolescent girls in Kumbotso were trained on business skills in hand sanitizer and face mask making towards curtailing the spread and negative impact of the Covid-19 on the people of Kano. Supported by @ICTAdvocates @macfound and @IIEglobal, The trainees promised to utilize their learnt lessons on Covid-19 safety protocols and entrepreneurship skills towards living good while staying safe.

In conclusion, he recommends that the government should do more of meaningful engagement and not only media awareness, though it is important. The virus has affected people in different ways, while sensitizing them, they should also be taught skills and human capacity should be built for them and he also appreciates CITAD for given the chance to young individuals like him to inspire change in their communities and the society at large.



Mr @Etudaye_MA may we know what sensitizing people at the grassroots is and how it is being done?

@Etudaye_MA Sensitization means making people know about something and as it relates to Covid19, it means creating awareness about issues related to Covid19.


@_sabo12Replying to

As a young person who is passionate about development work and also working on sensitizing people on Covid19 in the community, how are you carrying your activities?

@Etudaye_MA I made a need assessment in my community and I discovered that the pandemic has had a huge effect on young people and women too because of their vulnerability. So I decided to trained on taking responsibility themselves through sensitizing them and teaching

@_sabo12 what tools did you use during this training and how do you ensure Covid19 protocols are followed throughout the training?

@_sabo12 and do you think community people despite some of them not believing in the existence of the virus are giving you maximum cooperation?

@Etudaye_MA provides them with what will make them develop interest in us and the message we have for them. So we didn’t only sensitize them, we also taught them entrepreneurship skills that will make them live good while also adhering to the safety protocols to stay safe.

@_sabo12 we are ending this discussion in few minutes sir, what are your recommendations to both government and people on how to reduce the spread of Covid19 in our communities.

@Etudaye_MA I recommend that the government should do more of meaningful engagement and not only media awareness, though it is important. The virus has affected people in different ways, while sensitizing them, they should also be taught skills and human capacity should be built for them.

Here we come to the end of this insightful discussion with @Etudaye_MA on Covid19 Sensitization at Community Level, on behalf of @ICTAdvocate E.D, we thank our guest most sincerely for taking his time & educate us on this topic. Thank you air

@Etudaye_MA I so much appreciate @CITAD for given the chance to young individuals like us to inspire change in our communities and the society at large. Thank you to @yzy to @_sabo12 and to the team. Thanks to@macfound and @IIEglobal. I am so much honored.


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