32nd of Twitter Chat on How Covid19 Pandemic Disrupted Academic Calendar with Dr. Tunde Akanni held on 28th July, 2020-07-30

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Academic activities plus all other human activities across the globe have been badly affected ever since the arrival of the new normal; better referred to as Corona Virus Pandemic. While most of the developed and developing nations are coming up with strategies to live with the new normal, Nigeria would not want to be left out in this since education is a most for any country to development but the question is, does Nigeria have enough structures to support learning amidst the new normal? Digital divide and lack of adequate power supply in Nigeria require no explanation for anyone living in the country for clear picture is seen by everyone including those without eyes. This is and many more concerns keep ringing in the minds of the students and the teachers of all level of academic learning. This is the reason the Centre for Information technology and Development (CITAD) consider discussing the topic “How Covid19 Pandemic Disrupted Academic Calendar in Nigeria” with Dr. Akin tuned Akanni, a lecturer with Lagos state University in its series of Twitter Chat that invites stakeholders from across many discipline to deliberate on the chosen thyme to educate and suggest better solution in a bid to finding a last solution for our dear nation.

Below is the twitter conversation as extracted from the platform:

  1. Good afternoon everyone, Please join me in welcoming our today’s guest of our twitter chat, Dr. @AkintundeAkanni, a lecturer with Lagos state University who is going to discuss on How Covid19 Pandemic Disrupted Academic Calendar in Nig. Welcome sir
  2. Good day to everyone attentive to CITAD series on Covid-19 #CITADagainstCovid19
  3. So, sir what are the consequences of this disruption?
  4. Unpleasant experience. Most university students being youngsters initially resigned to fate and took it as another holiday that it’s not. At LASU, management directed that we should move all lectures online. As efficient academics, we complied but digital divide is real
  5. Sir, you just spoke about digital divide which includes accessibility, affordability & speed, as academics you are doing anything in closing the gap in Nigeria?
  6. Sure, as researchers, we are proactive. Example: I teach Online Journalism, I also serve on the board of the Premium Times Center for Investig. Journ., PTCIJ. So, many of us aren’t just engaged with classroom but also the tech advancing industry relevant to our knowledge area
  7. In other words, we use our clout and connection s to also broker trendy training windows for our students. PTCIJ has trained students across all regions of Nigeria, as I speak.
  8. @AkintundeAkanni Can e-learning be a success or applicable in Nigeria? What are challenges and the solutions to the challenges?
  9. E-learning happens already. We just need to improve on it and get the best out of it. Don’t forget that some of our elders in the past actually enrolled program Mrs of correspondence colleges, some even based overseas
  10. @AkintundeAkanni The Educational sector has suffered immeasurable setbacks perhaps some online classes are on but What then becomes of children in the rural areas who for the most part,have no access to technology?
  11. That’s why I said the reality of digital divide defeats any enthusiasm that anyone may have for the continuity of school session
  12. @AkintundeAkanni Are there any lessons that actors in the education sector can learn from the effects of this pandemic on schools?
  13. Yes. Invest in relevant technology and teaching aids. Invest in training and re-training of relevant personnel.
  14. @AkintundeAkanni How can the syllabus going to be covered within 2 weeks now that the exit classes are going to start their external exams knowing fully well that the exams cover almost all the syllabus in the curriculum?
  15. Impossible situation. That smacks of desperation in my estimation
  16. @AkintundeAkanni What stopgaps have been put in place by schools and the government to ensure continuity of education?
  17. Pity, our govts have never been futuristic. ASUU demands for functional facilities are still being ignored, otherwise doing online lectures may not have constituted any huge task. What’s the big deal in providing free WiFi on all campuses?
  18. So pls, Dr. @AkintundeAkanni. is there any strategy to cover up the months teaching and learning gap created as a result of the COVID=19 schls closed down?



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