In partnership with the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD), CITAD with support from National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and others runs a weekly interactive radio programme, Akasa Afaifai which seeks to promote citizens participation in budget processes in Kano State. The programme is part of a larger project, Promoting Democratic Accountability in Kano that the two organizations are implementing. Akasa Afaifai comes on air every Sunday, 11am-12noon on Freedom Radio (FM 96xx). Each episode takes one aspect of the budget and subject to a discussion by a guest after which listeners ask questions or make suggestions or comments. In addition to making comments live, citizens could text their comments (08134232180) or post on our social media platforms such as facebook (Tsokaci a kan Kasafin Jihar Kano, Citizens’ Platform on Kano State Budget and Kano Budget Response) as well as onto the website ( For more information contact Kabiru (08064891110).
Entrepreneurship on Air is a weekly interactive radio programme on ICT-based entrepreneurship runs by CITAD. Each week, a specific of aspect ICT-based entrepreneurship is subjected to a discussion, allowing people to know the requirements for such business, how to go about setting up the business and what the prospects are for successful entrepreneurship in the sector. Listeners have chance to ask questions and make comments. Â Guests are brought from the ICT industry. The programme is on air every Friday, 3-4pm on Radio Pyramid (FMxxx). For further details, cotnanc Sagir (0806961103)