
PWDs’ Needs Are Neglected During Electoral Process, Participants Lament at a One Day Workshop

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The workshop was organized by Center for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) with support from ActionAid Nigeria to share the experiences in relation to the processes, conduct and participation of People With special Needs (PWDs) in the 2015 general election.

After introduction and background of the workshop by Training Coordinator Malam Ahmad Abdullahi Yakasai, the project Coordinator, Isyaku Garba presented the 1st paper tilled “ActionAid experience in 2015 General Election in Nigeria and PWDs: Key Findings. The presentation flashed back to the military regime down to the democratic era in which processes of elections, number of political parties, contestants, role played by INEC, security agents, youths, women, challenges as well as developments in the previous elections were highlighted with particular attention to the PWDs.

The charter development consultant, chairman of the occasion and presenter of the 2nd paper, Mal. Ibrahim Umar Abdulkarim led a 5 cluster groups of people with special needs in accordance to their challenges to answer certain questions in order to understand their real needs and challenges during elections. Some of the challenges identified included: lack of special arrangement for PWDs on election day, needs for voter cards and ballot papers on brail papers to guide the blinds, provision of special stands for albinos and lack of internal democracy in political parties to allow PWDs participation.


In his closing remarks, Malam Ahmad Abdullahi Yakasai commended the support receivied from ActionAid International Nigeria. He also appreciated the keen interest shown by the participants and extended CITAD gratitude to the Commissioner of Police, INEC representative, NOA, chairman of the occasion and entire individuals who have contributed to the success of the workshop.