Career Talks Programmes in Schools, Uncategorized

Career Talk at GSS, Dala

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The Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) on Wednesday, 22nd October, 2008 held another round of career talk on the computer profession for students of secondary schools. The career talk which held at Government Secondary School (GSS), Dala, Dala Local Government of Kano State is part of the ongoing programme of CITAD to enlighten school communities on the importance of ICTs as well as sensitize students to take career in the computer profession. The event held at the Assembly Hall of the school. The key presentation was by Malam Ahmed A. Yakasai who in his speech stressed the need for students to make effort to acquire ICT knowledge. He said given the current educational backwardness of the north, only by embracing ICTs would we be able to bridge the gap. It is necessary for eac and every one of you to acquire computer knowledge” Mal Ahmed added. Other speakers at the event from CITAD included Yusha’u Sani, Abdullahi Ismail, Abdulrashi I. Sadiq and Abdullahi Danbalarabe.

Speaking the occasion the Principal of school, Malam Hamza Ashana thanked the facilitators for the lecture and expressed appreciation and gratitude to CITAD for electing GSS Dala to benefit from the programme. The Academic Officer of the school, Malam Kabiru Musa promised the students of the school would be participating in the coming CITAD organized Annual ICT Quiz. About 80 students attended the talk who were also given copies different publications on ICTs.

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3 thoughts on “Career Talk at GSS, Dala

  1. Love your post!! Finally someone got it right!!! Would you mind if I put a blogroll link back to your post? 🙂

    1. YZ says:

      You are free to do so.

  2. Yusif yahaya salihu candy 09 says:

    Ina gaishe da ashana

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