In its effort to combat the widespread of Corona Virus pandemic in Nigeria, and as an organization that has as its mandate the use of ICTs to empower citizens for a just and knowledge based society that is anchored on balanced and sustainable development, the Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) held its third twitter chat Tuesday the 7th of April, 2020 with Pharmacist Usman Nasir, a medical expert, health advocate that specialized on Public Health. The aim is to equip citizens with the right information in this critical time so, they stay safe with their families and loved ones and on the other hand, the chat is intended to curb the spread of fake news/misinformation on Coronavirus as the right information from expert is made readily available to them.
The chat was intensely publicized via various social media platforms to let the populace have the window to learn from experts and also make inquiries about their unanswered questions. The chat took place online (twitter) and started at exactly 2pm.
CITAD declared the chat open by welcoming the guest and the participants in attendance. While CITAD moderate the session, pharmacist Usman Nasir, in the course of the chat; Usman responded to thirty seven (37) questions plus some common misinterpretations about Covid19 he addressed voluntarily.
Responding shortly at the end of the session, one of the participants confessed that through the chat he learned that the Covid-19 virus is transmitted via droplet.
The session came to an end at 3:04
- Government should extend lockdowns and must be serious and committed this time
- People must ensure adequate compliance of appropriate safety and preventive measures as contained in the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines
- Question:Â Â Phar. Usman Nasir, @UsmanRx, we would to start by first asking whether there is a cure for the #COVID19 as at today, because we understand that there is rumor going on particularly on social media, please respond to that before move further
Answer: Thank you.
To date, there is no specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat the Covid-19.
However, there has been ongoing global mega trials of four most potential corona virus treatments Remdesivir, Chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine, Ritonavir/lopinavir, Ritonavir/lopinavir
- Question: Pharm @UsmanRx how can we debunk the myth around this Coronavirus; people are still saying the disease is a western conspiracy to stop Muslims from praying. How can we convince them scientifically?
Answer: People are suffering devastating real-world impacts of a deluge of online virus misinformation. This is certainly not true, pandemics don’t work that way. Covid-19 is global, cut across the western world, every religion and race. Tell them that the pandemic is not being selective.
-  I’ll start by responding to these questions, though he sent the questions via DM.
- Is this true that coronavirus do not survive on 28 Celsius?
- Can you have covid19 and show no symptoms?
- Can one get coronavirus for second time?
- Is there any vaccine for this virus?
- No, it is not true. You can catch COVID-19, no matter how the weather is. Countries with hot weather such as Saudi Arabia have reported cases of COVID-19
- Yes, a significant portion of people infected with the COVID-19 patients may never show coronavirus symptoms.
- Yes, recovery doesn’t mean that those with prior infections are not still at risk. They must adequate observe protective measures
- Currently there is no vaccine for the virus. The best way to prevent the disease is to protect yourself from being exposed to this virus.
- Question: @UsmanRx, thanks for accepting to feature on this platform. How can we understand the recovery rate in Nigeria? Is this something unique or is it grounded in good case management?
Answer: Well, early detection of the disease is key to fast recovery. Again, Nigeria Healthcare professionals are trying their best to contain the virus based on approved @WHO guidelines. Moreover, we have few cases of the elderly and seriously ill. So why not?
- Question: What is expected from a person living in the state like Kano where the disease is not yet identified?
Answer: Do not panic. Observe proper preventive measures…. Wash your hands, pray and stay calm. Get adequate information from appropriate sources. Thank you
- Question: @UsmanRx is there a link between CONVID19 AND 5G NETWORK @ICTAdvocates
Answer: Apart of social distancing, washing hands, what else can do to protect ourselves, against COVID-19.
Ensure that all animal’s products are cooked properly before use. Don’t touch ur face, nose, ears, eyes with unwashed hands. Get ur news from trusted sources like @WHO @NCDCgov @Fmohnigeria etc.
- @UsmanRx, Currently living in core northern Nigeria particular NW where our people at grassroots level have no even basic information about #COVID19 and didn’t even believe it it’s real. So how can we enlight them and even urge them to protect themselves by staying at home?
Answer: Unattended
- @UsmanRx, how can we understand the recovery rate in Nigeria? Is this something unique or is it grounded in good case management?
Answer: Unattended
- @UsmanRx you just mentioned that there are drugs currently on trial, can one just buy those drugs and take them as prophylaxis?
Answer: No, it is dangerous to use drugs which have not been approved for specific purpose.
It is important to note that, all drugs have potentials to cause harm when used wrongly. Wait for the final approval and guidelines regarding their uses. Thank you
- @usmanrx Corona Virus shares common symptoms with asthma and pnumonia, why the vaccines of those diseases are not been used to cure Coronavirus?
Answer: Pneumonia is a bacteria, Covid – 19 is a virus. They are two different things and so they require different vaccines. Pneumonia vaccine doesn’t provide any protection against covid 19. Forget about the symptoms!.
- Question @UsmanRx thanks for accepting to feature on this platform. How can we understand the recovery rate in Nigeria? Is this something unique or is it grounded in good case management?
Answer: Well, early detection of the disease is key to fast recovery. Again, Nigeria Healthcare professionals are trying their best to contain the virus based on approved @WHO guidelines. Moreover, we have few cases of the elderly and seriously ill. So why not?
- Question: @UsmanRx, According to @NCDCgov, as at last night, 35 patients recovered from #Covid19 and they were all discharged from hospital.
While some expert still maintained that #Covid19 have no cure yet.
How would you put the two claims together please?
Answer: Thank you. The mainstay for the Covid 19 is appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms, and those with severe illness are to receive optimized supportive care.
Some specific treatments are under investigation, and will be tested through clinical trials/compassionate use.
-  Question: @UsmanRx, it seems that from the way some Nigerians are responding to advice by health professionals, they do not seem convince about COVID 19. These people are a weak link to the efforts to curb is spread: what can use advice should be done in this regards? @ICTAdvocates
Answer: Continued media advocacy (Radio stations and all), community leaders, religious leaders will definitely help in creating awareness mainly through the media houses since we have been locked down.
- Question: @UsmanRx, let’s now talk about self-medication that some people are peddling particularly on social media. How good or bad is self-medication in terms of addressing #COVID19?
Answer: WHO does not recommend self-medication with any medicine including antibiotics, as a prevention or cure for COVID-19.
Antibiotics or garlic do not work against viruses (Covid-19 inclusive), only work against bacteria.
Don’t under any circumstances try to self-medicate please.
- Question: Is it safe to receive a package from any area where #COVID19 has been reported and how long does the virus survived on surface???
Answer: No, it is not safe. The virus is transmitted via droplets from sneeze or cough from an infected person. When you get access to such droplets on ur hands and touches ur eyes/nose you get infected. It survives for many hours, no reliable data to validate a specific time frame.
- Does coronavirus has link with 5G?
Answer: No please.
@CDDWestAfrica and @CDDWestAfrica_have conducted a fact check on your question and they found that 5G is not connected to #COVID19 pandemic, read full report below:Â
- Question: @UsmanRx you just mentioned that there are drugs currently on trial, can one just buy those drugs and take them as prophylaxis?
Answer: No, it is dangerous to use drugs which have not been approved for specific purpose.
It is important to note that, all drugs have potentials to cause harm when used wrongly. Wait for the final approval and guidelines regarding their uses. Thank you
- Question: @UsmanRx, does Nigeria, in your estimation have the capacity to research and develop a vaccine for the COVID 19? If no, what can be done to quickly beef up the capacity?
Answer: Nigeria does not have such capacity. Nigeria would have to invest in the areas of molecular microbiology particularly molecular virology, biotechnological researches in addition to equipping Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and development which is nothing to write about now.
- Â Question: Will they these four you listed help in treating the virus?
Answer: Researches are still on going to determine their effectiveness, safety margins and all. However, some countries like the U.S have already given approval for their compassionate use under the supervision of medical experts for investigational purposes
- Question: It is true that there is vaccine for Covid-19, bcos people are posting it via social media
Answer: It is certainly not true. Researches are ongoing to develop some vaccines for it. For now, the only vaccine you have is to try protecting yourself by observing appropriate preventive measures as issued by @WHO
- Question: In the second instance despite the facial lockdown imposed by our state govt, our people don’t stay home, they go for their daily activities partying, cin kasuwa & social gathering as if there is no pandemic around like #COVID19. What measure to look?
Answer: Place serious sanction on them. Laws should be enforced, and must be strictly followed.
Create wider coverage of awareness campaigns.
- Â Question: @UsmanRx, Ships are docking with food and other items. Is it possible that these items may carry the virus on their surfaces due to handling by workers in the source countries who might have the virus? In that situation what would you suggest Ports authorities do?
Answer: It is possible, however that depends on the survival time of the virus on such surfaces. Therefore, upon entry the ships must be disinfected appropriately using standard disinfection guidelines as issued by @WHO
- Â Question: Can humans become infected with the COVID-19 from an animal source?
Answer: Yes, it is possible. In fact some research papers have it that Covid19 originated from animal source. However the identity of such animal has not been determined. Question: how effective is face mask in preventing people from #COVID19?
Answer: Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
Regularly washing your hands offers more protection against #COVID19 than wearing face masks. Find attacked
- Question: What will you advise business people especially those into pharmaceuticals about price gauging and taking advantage of this situation to hike prices on ppe and other related equipment
Answer: Well, I call on them to kindly modulate the prices of their commodities. Moreover, it is collective duty of the FG to ensure adequate price control. Finally, I call on Nigeria to improve on it’s pharmaceutical productions coz we solely depends on imported products hence the hike.
Add: They must be #God fearing, by selling as they bought. Buy cheap, sell cheap. Tendency to take advantage of prevailing misfortune to hike prices, is a manifestation of #Godless Business minds. Never will such Businesses receive #God’s blessings. By @BalaAbdullahiGa
- Question: I think there are other types of Pneumonia that are caused by virus too. So, i can say that each type of microorganisms especially virus has different forms based on its species and this has to do with their medication. Answer; Pneumonia is a bacteria, covid-19 is a virus. They are two different things and so they require different vaccines. Pneumonia vaccine doesn’t provide any protection against covid-19. Forget about the symptoms!
Yes, there is viral pneumonia. I centered my response to bacterial pneumonia simply coz it is the most common. Nevertheless, @WHO has not given any recommendation for the use of any vaccine for Covid 19. Thanks
-  Question: one of the challenges people have is about not touching your face. During alwala, people have to touch their face and ears! What should be the proper message here?
Answer: Thank you. They are allowed to touch their eyes, nose in alwala only after they have reasonably washed their hands with running water and soap properly or after using an approved hand sanitizers which has at least 70% alcohol. Do not touch except where necessary
- Question: Gwamna Makinde na jihar Oyo ya ce amfani da Zuma da Habbatussauda ne suka taimaka masa wajen warkewa daga Coronavirus.
@UsmanRx @ICTAdvocates Me yasa Pharmacists baza su bada himma wajen sarrafa wadannan abubuwan don magance wannan cuta kowama ya huta a duniya ba?
Answer: Yallabai, wannan zance nashi zai iya zama gaskia ko ba gaskia ba. Lallai sai anshiga dakin binkice na kimiyya anyi nazari sosai za a gano gaskiar zancen. Amma a matsayin shi na gwamna yakamata su taimaka a inganta harkokin binkice na zamani da inganta sarrafa maganin gargajiya
- Â Question: what lesson do you think #COVID19 should teach developing countries like #Nigeria?
Answer: Covid-19 pandemic should serve as a wakeup call to Nigeria’s leaders to improve on healthcare delivery & financing, improve on biopharmaceutical dev. in addition to total overhaul of our general production lines and quality of education. Well, The Rich Also Cry!
- Â Question: What’s the best form of sensitising the masses on prevention, from your wealth of experience?
Answer: Media advocacy particularly the mass media such as Radio stations. Engage community stakeholders to talk to their indigenous people, they listen to them more than anyone else. FG & state govt must be serious this time
- Question: what is your general recommendation as far stopping the spread of #COVID19 is concerned?
Answer: Shutting down population movement will not extinguish the virus epidemics. The answer depends what the government do while the lockdown is going on. I recommend the extension of the lockdown but government must be more serious and committed this time.
In addition, people must ensure adequate compliance of appropriate safety and preventive measures as contained in the @WHO guidelines. Take look at these pictures. Find attached
- Â Question: I missed your presentation on COVID-19, I still have a question to ask. Is using antibacterial disinfectants and hypo (bleach) among the proactive measures for prevention against COVID-19?
Answer: Yes, this is because it has been found that most registered & viable household disinfectants for surfaces (including bleach) will work provided appropriate concentration of the disinfectant + water is used. Recommend concentration is: 5 tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water.
- Â Question: is there any first aid for emergency to affected person? Than you
Answer: The only recommended first aid is to seek the attention of medical personnel. It is beyond first aid you can give at home, it is easy to get infected. Self-isolate and call the attention of medical experts
- Question: Are children also at risk of infection and what is their potential role in transmission?
Answer: Yes children can be affected by the pandemic. However, in Nigeria we don’t have much of such cases due to the fact that adults are more exposed to risk factors than the children.
- Question: Should we dispel of our apprehension that Covid-19 is one of numerous bio-weapons manufactured in a lab by the powers that be for global population control?
Answer: I don’t have reliable information to back your question. Sorry, I don’t have any answer for that.
Protect yourself first. Thank you
- Â Question: how effective is face mask in preventing people from #COVID19?
Answer: Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
Regularly washing your hands offers more protection against #COVID19 than wearing face masks. Find attached
- Â Question: Are children also at risk of infection and what is their potential role in transmission?
Answer: Yes, they are at risk. Fortunately, we don’t have such cases at the moment in Nigeria and this is because the relative exposure to high risk factors in children is low when compared to adults. Thank you
- Â Question: Can we wear our face mask?
Answer: Haha!!! Lol yes, you can. But ensure that your hands are being washed first before using it. Lemme share something with you as issued by @WHO find attached