COVID-19, Report of Activities

Report of CITAD Fourth Twitter Chat with Doctor Lawal Hassan Mohammed

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It has been said that since the outbreak of Spanish Fluids, world has never seen a threat to human existence similar to this. World over is in lockdown, millions of people have been tested positive for the virus, thousands of people have lost their lives, many businesses have been crashed and countries are on the brink of falling into recession as announced by the IMF Chief. Countries, organizations and individual have been trying and playing their part on how and the ways to prevent the spread of the virus or to find a cure to it. In Nigeria, after the first recorded case of the virus in Lagos, the authorities are doing everything possible to ensure the virus has not done much damage to the country. Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), the agency responsible for handling the situation has been providing information on the preventive measures against Covid-19 in the country, but one agency’s efforts will not be enough, that is why concerned organizations and individuals are coming up with other initiatives to compliment the government efforts. It is on this note that the Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD)came up with many initiatives in order to reduce the spread of the virus among people. These initiatives include advocacy, online media campaigns (sharing of infographics and messages on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp), and Twitter Chat with Health Professionals. The twitter chat which is being conducted twice every week (Monday and Thursdays) usually invites health professionals to discuss Strengthening Preventive Measures Against Covid-19. On the fourth round of the chat which was held on the 9th of April, 2020,CITAD hosted a United Kingdom based Doctor, Doctor Lawal Hassan Mohammed, Chase Farm Hospital, Royal Free London NHS Trust.

In the chat the guest took time to explain what Covid-19 is to the audience, its preventive measures and what people need to do to stay safe. The one hour chat was a participatory one where people asked questions and the guest provided them with answers. Finally, there were 17 tweet questions asked during the conversation and the guest was able to answer most of the questions asked. In addition, the tweets were re-tweeted 158 times with 37 likes reaching thousands of people in the process. Below are tweets and responses

Hello everyone, thank you for having me. For starters, I’m no public health specialist but we’ll do my best collectively to address our concerns accordingly.


1 @ICTAdvocates

what is the likely chance of transport by air infection in comparison to infection via droplets?

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2 Other viruses like seasonal flu (influenza) and coronoviruses which are benign do poorly in warm & moist weather. So it’s not an unreasonable assumption, however we’re seeing cases everywhere irrespective of the weather.

Also, this is a new virus so we can’t count on it.

4 1
3 It has really been fruitful one hour with


, we are immensely grateful for your time. We are also grateful to everyone for participating in the chat.

Thank you everyone





Dr. L H Mohammed




Replying to




and 3 others

It’s been my pleasure, thank you for having me.

Please accept my apologies if I haven’t responded to all concerns, I’m happy to answer them later when free (my lunch break is over)

7 2
4 @ICTAdvocates



good Evening Dr. Some people are advocating to uses salt, garlic with warm water for preventive measure against this covid-19. Is this proper?



5 Thanks


Pls. how  prepared is Govt. and responsible agencies  for COVID-19 here in Kano?


3 2
6 @dr_lawi

we were told that our weather is resistance to Covid19 especially here in northwestern Nigeria, that even if Covid19 affected us the hot weather will quarantine it, Doc. What is your take on this assertions? Is it true or otherwise?




Other viruses like seasonal flu (influenza) and coronoviruses which are benign do poorly in warm & moist weather. So it’s not an unreasonable assumption, however we’re seeing cases everywhere irrespective of the weather.

Also, this is a new virus so we can’t count on it.

4 1
7 Apart from public awareness that needs to be improved, is there anything that you


think should be done by either authorities or other actors in stopping the spread or addressing the virus?






Individuals have to do their own part by following ruled out guidelines by appropriate authorities.

Govt can do more by testing more suspected cases, I don’t know what the criteria is by NCDC but I’ve read complaints of many people unable to get tested or even get in touch.

8 @dr_lawi

, where people suspect a case of #COVIDー19, what action are they supposed to take first?





Stay home / isolate self.

Call the appropriate bodies; eg NCDC for advice.

Monitor symptoms carefully and escalate accordingly.

Rest and stay hydrated.

8 1
9 @Dr_lawi

in a case of rural communities where they don’t have good portable drinking water, what are medical advice would you give to us to enlight them to protect themself against Covid 19.




Replying to




and 2 others

It’d still be the norm as earlier outlined.

Use whatever is available to them.

Enlighten them about how it’s transmitted so they can adhere to the preventive measures.

13 2
10 @dr_lawi

here in Kano its seem people dont understand  physical distancing what is it ? and why

and how should I do it?

A question by


By physical distancing;

1. Protect yourself

2. Protect others (esp vulnerable) if you have the virus unknowingly / asymptomatic



11 @dr_lawi

good Day! Doc. Inspire the measures taking by both FG and states to curtail the spread of Covid19 in Nigeria, sir why the numbers is still skyrocketing? What should be the best ways 4 individuals?pls






I think the gov’t as a whole is doing its best, some may say otherwise. But it certainly can’t do for all, so we have to play our own part as individuals in protecting ourselves and loved ones.

Kindly go through my earlier tweets.

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12 @dr_lawi

, Why are medical workers getting sick with or dying from coronavirus if they’re wearing protective gear?










Replying to




and 8 others

PPEs can only help to prevent but can’t be certain it’s 100%. Are they using it properly? At all times?

Generally, working at the frontline increases ones’ risk by many folds despite gears.

Also, they’re still susceptible outside their work zone/life.

16 3
13 We specifically want clarification on this so that people who could not afford hand sanitizer can have alternative









Replying to @ICTAdvocates @YZYau and 13 others

In fact, I prefer to advise use of soap and water. Sanitizers aren’t readily available and could be costly.

15 2
14 @ICTAdvocates

Doctors in the country protested the idea of inviting your counterpart from China to strengthen your work in curtailing the spread of the virus. Why is argument? #COVID19






In fact, I prefer to advise use of soap and water. Sanitizers aren’t readily available and could be costly. 11 3
15 As efforts are mounted at preventing the #COVID19 in Nigeria,


observes that public awareness is still lacking. People need to know that this virus is real and many are dying by the day.









Our religious and community leaders have a vital role to play .. People need to be educated.

Fact that one or his/her relative isn’t affected doesn’t negate that the virus isn’t spreading.

15 3
16 @dr_lawi

, will every soap be an alternative to hand sanitizer in maintaining personal hygiene?















1.      Any plain/regular soap is able to annihilate the virus once hands are washed properly. There are steps in doing this, also for at least 20 secs.

2.      Replying to



and 13 others

In fact, I prefer to advise use of soap and water. Sanitizers aren’t readily available and could be costly.

12 2

, what mechanisms are most effective in preventing the spread of #COVID19?









1.      I’m sure we’ve seen and/or heard of these repeatedly, nothing has changed. Simple, yet very important steps;

1. Wash your hands with soap and water often, do this for at least 20 seconds.

Or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol

2.      4. Physical (Social) distancing; 2m (6ft) away from people.

Use a face mask if you’re sick or caring for someone who is sick

Follow guidelines

3.      Stay at home, unless necessary.

4.      Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze.

Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards.

5.      Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean

Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects in your home, such as door handles, taps, remotes.

17 Based on your assessment of Nigerian efforts at preventing the spread of #COVID19,


, what do you think is lacking and is most significant in addressing the virus?











I’m not there first hand, but from what I’ve seen and read, it’s enough to see that public awareness is still lacking. People need to know that this virus is real and many are dying by the day. 15 6
NCDC directs us to wash our hands frequently under running water and the running water is scarce in most of the communities. What other strategies of washing hands you will share with us?









I do appreciate that is a problem which needs to be addressed by the govt and other private organisations willing to help.

But, I’m not aware of other alternatives after water and sanitizer.

8 4


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