ICT Quiz, Uncategorized


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The Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) and Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) conducted the 2nd Extractive Industry Literacy Quiz for Secondary schools in Jigawa state on 13th June, 2013. The objective of the quiz was to promote awareness about the extractive industry transparency as provided in the Nigerian Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (NEITI) Act, including accounting for environmental degradation. The qiz which was part of a larger project being implemented by CISLAC across the country was supported by Oxfam Novib.

The quiz was held at the NULEG Secretariat, Dutse. Ten schools out of the twelve invited participate in the quiz. The schools were

  1. GSS, Gadadin Dutse
  2. GSCSS Takur, Dutse
  3. GGSS Garki
  4. GGSS Malam Madori
  5. GDSS Binin Kudu
  6. Dutse Capital School
  7. Jigawa State Academy for Gifted, Bamaina
  8. SSS Kafin Hausa
  9. GGASS Dutse
  10. GDSS Zareku

Out of the ten that attended the quiz competition, three were girls’ schools while the rest were boys’ secondary schools.

The occasion was chaired by the Jigawa State Commissioner, Prof. Haruna Wakili who was represented by Alh. Aliyu Ahmad Shungurun Director Science and Technology, Jigawa State Ministry of Education, Science and Tehcnolgy (MOEST). He was supported by many other guests including Hajiya Hauwa Sule Ringim Deputy Director Schools MOEST, Jibrin Kani, State Secretary of  ANCOPS, Comrade Usman Yau of the NUT Jigawa State Chapter and Alh. Shitu Sule Sankara, Deputy Director Science MOEST. Others were Kazeem Lameed NEITE SCO Relation, Abuja, Abdulkadir Bello of Freedom Radio Dutse, Aishatu Ibrahim Hadejia of Gender & Social Inclusion Advocacy Partners, Jigawa State and Muktar T. Abubakar Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity.

The program started with an opening remark from the Executive Director of CITAD who was represented by Mallam Ahmad Abdullahi Yakasai who welcomed the participants and guests to event and explained the objective of the quiz to them. He also explained the rules of the competition. This was followed by the opening remarks of the Chairman of the occasion, the Hon. Commissioner MOEST Jigawa State who was represented by Director Science. He started his remark by thanking CITAD and Oxfam Navib for organizing the quiz for the students, and then commended CITAD for what it has been doing toward educational development of the state. He called on the participants to put more efforts in their studies not only for the quiz purposes.

A solidarity message was delivered by Mr. Kazeem Lameed who represented the NEITI Executive Secretary, Mrs. Shamsuna Ahmed noted that extractive industry literacy was very important not only for the secondary schools students, but also because of its importance to the management of the extractive resources in the country. NEITI, he said was very happy to be associated with the quiz programme and thanked the organizers. While commanding the organizers, he expressed the wish of the NEITI to see this idea which involved the younger generation to become a national event in the near future. Mr. Kazeem Lameed  gave a brief on what is the extractive industry and the activities involved in the sector which the business of prospecting, mining, producing, processing and distribution of minerals, gas, oil, goal etc. he added that this also included extracting of farm produce and trees for wood and papers industry as well as removing fish in industrial fishing. Mr. Kazeem Lameed shade more light on why NEITI decided to support the program which was to encourage the dissemination of knowledge of about extractive sector issues and challenges and NEITI is mandated to ensure accountability and transparency on the resources accrue from extractive industry, Nigeria is so devoted to the economy of solid resources, therefore what you have but you don’t know it is like you don’t have it, but when you know you have you become empowered there is need to now start literacy about the resources you have. He lastly call on participants to pay attention not to only this quiz program because the program will serve as an eye opener as the basic knowledge of these resources will help an individual to think of how to develop and benefit from it particularly at the part of younger generation, and Nigeria was adorned as the best EIT implementing, if we are focus we can take this country to a greater height.

Before the commencement of the Quiz, the participants given the NEITI T-shirts and face caps brought by NEITI representative. Also copies of NEITI publications were shared to both the students and the guests in order to encourage all to study and get details on the objective of NEITI, its structure and activities in the country. After the presentation, the rules and regulations of the quiz were read by the quiz master.

The first round featured two sets of five schools each. Students were asked questions on various aspects of the extractive industry, including the work of NEITI as well as some local issues relevant to Jigawa State. Three schools advanced to the second round from both sets. After the second round of the very challenging and exciting competition Dutse Capital School and SSS Kafin-Hausa emerge first and second respectively following a tie breaker while GGSS Garki emerged third.

The first place position prize, a branded new Laptop presented by Mr. Kazeem Lameed of NEITI to the winning, Dutse Capital School. The second prize, a 17-inch Television set was presented by Director of Science and Technology Alhaji Aliyu Ahmad Shungurun MOEST to Science Secondary School (SSS), Kafin-Hausa while the third position, a 15-inch Television set as presented by Hajiya Hauwa Sule Ringim, Deputy Director Schools, MOEST to GGSS Garki. The prize of teacher of the winning school, 17 inch Television set was presented to Mr. Eleanya Emeka of Dutse Capital School.

In addition to these prizes, other prizes were clothing materials to each member of the three winning teams, wall clocks for the teachers of the two runner up schools, t-shirts to each of the participating students donated by NEITI as well as certificate of participation to all participating students and teachers. Also various publications on the extractive industry by NEITI were distributed to the participation, guests and members of the audience.

NUT Comrade Usman Ya’u of NUT observed that the program was well organized. Agreeing with him, Kazeem Lameed of NEITI expressed appreciation of NEITI for being invited to be part of this exciting event. Also responding, Malam Abdulkadir Bello of Freedom commended CITAD for the general organization of the program.  Lastly Malam Ahmad Abdullahi Yakasai expressed CITAD’s gratitude to the NEITI and all others for their solidarity and contribution to the success for the programme. He in particular noted the contribution of NEITI for providing the first prize position and Oxfam Novib for general support of the project for which the quiz as only a part.

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