The Northeast Education, Books Conference and Exhibition (NEBECE) is a programme designed by CITAD in partnership with the Northeast Development Commission (NEDC) and Modibbo Adama University of Technology, (MAUTECH) Yola, to revamp the status of education in the northeast region, the objective of the programme is to, interrogate educational development in the northeast with the view to coming out with postulations on how the myriad of the bedevilling problems of education in region can be addressed. It is expected that the conference will come out with two key outcomes: a policy brief on education in the region and a book from the papers to be presented.
The Theme of the conference is: Education in The Northeast In The Context Of Reconstruction, Rebuilding And Resettlement In The Region. THE CONFERENCE IS COMING BETWEEN 6 AND 8 NOVEMBER, 2019 IN MAUTECH, Yola Research As a knowledge-driven organization, our projects are normally proceeded by a research, to profile us with better understanding of the issues involved. A number of the outcomes of these researches are available for our website. Areas of our research interest and understanding include:
- Digital Marginalization and Inclusion
- Internet Policy
- Hate speech and harmful context online
- Corruption and accountability in governance
- Insurgency and peace building
- Quality of Education
- The University system and the decline of intellectual culture
- Conflicts and Corruption
- Digital Rights
- Technology and Society