
CITAD Suggests Measures to Ensure Successful Lockdown

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Issued on the 17th of April, 2020

In our earlier press statement, we commended the Kano state government for taking the painful but bold step to lockdown the city effective from 10pm, Thursday the 16th of April, 2020. This in our part and as advised by many health professional bodies and organizations including the World Health Organization (W.H.O), is the right decision to take in the interest of all. But we concerned that Kano State is densely populated with majority of its residents dependent on informal jobs which requires them to go out daily to look for what they will eat and feed their family. It was in this regard that in our previous press statement released on the 15th of April, 2020, we called on the state government to state a clear road map on how the lockdown would be and to come up with palliatives programs to cushion the suffering people will enter during the lockdown.

Sadly, we observed that up to the evening of 16th of April, 2020 (the commencement time of the lockdown) the State Government has not announced any palliative for the teeming poor in the State. This has clearly shown that the government has no concern whatsoever the condition people would find themselves during the lockdown. As we are all aware. there is no way you will keep a person in one place for one week without food and expect him to survive. Secondly, the state government has also refused to disclose how it spent the donations given to it by individuals and organizations which shows lack of transparency on the part of the government.

Furthermore, this is a clear fact that unless the government comes up with a clear directive and concrete measures to cushion the hardship, most vulnerable people in the society will find themselves in serious problem which may render the lockdown ineffective.

Finally, we reiterate our stand that the Kano State Government as a matter of public interest and to avoid possible break down of law and order which will defeat the objective of the lockdown to:

i. Come up with a clear and elaborate plan on how to support the vulnerable people in the society which must be an accountable and all-inclusive one
ii. The State Government to inform the public how the donations given by different individuals and organizations have been used
iii. The well to do individuals in the society to support vulnerable groups in their areas at this critical time
iv. The state government to co-opt Civil Society Organizations and other individuals in all the committees for transparency and accountability

Ali Sabo
Campaigns and Communications Officer

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